Fr. John J. Ó’Ríordáin was born in Kiskeam in the Barony of Duhallow, North Cork, in 1936. One of a number of Redemptorists who came from that small parish, John J. took religious vows in 1956 and wad ordained a Redemptorist Priest on the 20th January, 1963. As a Redemptorist Parish Missioner Fr. John J. spent most of his active life conducting Parish Missions, principally in Ireland, where he has worked in all thirty two counties. He has also found time to write books, give lectures, conduct seminars on Irish and Celtic history, folklore and spirituality. Some of his best know works include a work on the War of Independance and the Civil War in ‘Kiskeam versus The Empire’, and a fascinating autobiography entitled, ‘Before the Night Grows Late’. As with his writings, Fr. John J.’s life and ministry has been shot through with a deep spirituality, a gentle compassion and a lovely sense of humour. We are blessed to have Fr. John J. as a member of this community at Mount St. Alphonsus since 2003 where he continues to play an active part in community life and ministry. We rejoice with our brother as he reaches this milestone of his golden jubilee of ordination and wish him many more years of health and happiness. Fr John J. will preach at the 12 Noon Mass at Mount St. Alphonsus next Sunday, 20th January and join with the community, family and friends for a celebratory lunch afterwards.
We congratulate too those other Irish Redemptorists also celebrating their Golden Jubilee of Ordination; Frs. Patrick Clear and Thomas Reynolds in Fortaleza, Brazil, Francis Tobin in Cebu, Philippine Islands, Michael Heagney in Esker, Athenry, Ireland, and Eamon Hoey in Dundalk, Ireland.
‘Vivat in aeturnum – Long life to the brothers we love and a crown above’!