Category: Homepage

Happy Easter and Thank You.

Happy Easter. Thank you to everyone who helped, participated, in any way, out front or behind the scenes, in our lovely Easter Ceremonies, and thanks also to all who helped decorate our beautiful church.  Ye are brilliant, and real Easter people! And to everyone who came, watched on the internet, prayed and celebrated with us, God bless you.

St Gerard Novena – October 8th – 16th

A novena, in honour of St. Gerard Majella, begins on Wednesday, October 8th and ends on St. Gerard’s feast day on Thursday, October 16th.  Masses on weekdays at 7.55am, 10am, 7.15pm; Saturday at 10am and 7.15pm; Sunday at 8am, 12 Noon and 7.15pm.  All at Mount St. Alphonsus, Limerick. St. Gerard is the patron of those desiring to be parents, expectant mothers, babies born and unborn, and the gift of new life. So come and give thanks for the gift of your children, and pray for those longing to have them. Click here for an account of St. Gerard’s life.

Click here for the Novena Prayer and to write, and email, your petition.