Category: Redemptorist News

Happy Easter and Thank You.

Happy Easter. Thank you to everyone who helped, participated, in any way, out front or behind the scenes, in our lovely Easter Ceremonies, and thanks also to all who helped decorate our beautiful church.  Ye are brilliant, and real Easter people! And to everyone who came, watched on the internet, prayed and celebrated with us, God bless you.

Remembering Our Beloved Dead.

Prayer for All Souls

Lord God,
you are the glory of believers
and the life of the just.
Your son redeemed us
by dying and rising to life again.
Since our departed brothers and sisters
believed in the mystery of our resurrection,
let them share the joys and blessings
of the life to come.

Death does not extinguish the light; it only blows out the candle because the dawn has come. May they rest in peace.

The names of our dead are remembered at all our masses throughout November.  We have also created a special prayer space at Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine, in the church, where people can leave photos, names, memorial cards and light a candle.