Category: Redemptorist News

Lenten Talks – Children’s Grief Project

As part of a series of Lenten Talks and Information Evenings, St. Helen Culhane, founder of the Children’s Grief Project, will give a talk about the project, and the work they do, in the Redemptorist Monastery Conference Room at 7.45pm on Tueday, 11th March.  It’s free, open to all, and entrance is through the Monastery Reception / Shop area.

Over the course of the Tuesdays of Lent (except Tuesday, 18th March) we are inviting representatives of local charities and support groups to talk about the work they do and they people they serve.

University of Wisconsin Woman’s Chorale Concert

The University of Wisconsin Eau-Claire Women’s Concert Chorale are visiting Ireland over the St. Patrick’s holiday period.  We are delighted that they will perform a concert here in the Redemptorist Church at Mount St. Alphonsus Church, Limerick on Tuesday, March 18th at 8pm.  Also featuring, from the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, ‘SONAS’ Global Vocal Ensemble and ‘Lucernarium’ ensemble of medieval song and chant.  Mainly a programme of American original composers, spirituals, medieval chant and Irish traditional music. A treasure of music for all!

Entrance is Free with a voluntary retiring collection in aid of the Redemptorist Centre of Music.