Prayer after Holy Communion 1

I am in Jesus and Jesus is in me.

Lord Jesus, you are present within me now in my Holy Communion.

In all your shining majesty and divinity,

You come to me because of your infinite, personal love for me.

Lord Jesus, I adore you, I welcome you, I worship you.

I gladly make room and space for you within the dwelling of my being.

Lord Jesus, give me your hands to work with;

Give me your mind to think with;

Give me your light to see with;

Give me your heart to love with.

Give me your joy to light up the world I work and live in.

Lord Jesus may your shining presence within me,

Be my light and my strength in my living throughout this day.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus present within me now, I pray

That I may come to know you and to love you

And to walk more closely with you each day.  Amen.

Fr. James Murphy, CSsR.



Prayer after Holy Communion 2

Father, in celebrating this Eucharist together,
we have shared faith in the resurrection of Christ.
We have pledged ourselves to live the commandment of love,
and sought pardon at the fountain of forgiveness.

Sustain us, Lord, with the food of life
as we go upon our way.
May the Bread of Heaven be our strength
may the broken Body
of Christ bring us healing;
May the spirit of the Risen Christ renew our youthful generosity;
may the Sacred Heart of Jesus give us compassion;
may the crucified Christ of Calvary help us bear our daily burden.

A blessing, Lord, on your people:
– a blessing on all at this Eucharist;
– a blessing on the neighbours and friends;
– a blessing on the enemy, Lord, as you bid us pray;
– a blessing on the sick and the fearful, the weary and the ageing;
– a blessing from the Heart of Christ on those who forgive;
– and life eternal to our dead and the dead of our community, and our nation, and all who have walked with you since time began.

We make our prayer through Christ, our Lord. Amen.