Redemptorists are passionate about the Gospel and equally passionate about sharing the Gospel message of God’s love for all people with all sectors of society, but especially with those who live on the edges of church and society. There is a special place in our hearts for those who feel abandoned and who have difficulty in finding their way in Life. We have inherited these passions from St Alphonsus Liguori, who founded the congregation in Southern Italy in 1732.
The Church of Mount St. Alphonsus is first and foremost a place of welcome and sanctuary. “This is God’s house, your home. All are welcome here”. We try and articulate that sense of welcome though making our liturgies, and the church environment, as welcoming, creative, and inclusive of all.
Preaching is a foundational Redemptorist ministry. We preach here in Mount St Alphonsus every week of the year and some members of the community preach Parish Missions and Novenas throughout the country.
The Annual Novena in honour of Our Lady of Perpetual Help marks the highpoint of our preaching ministry. The novena is celebrated each year in June and it is estimated that about 10,000 people attend each day of the nine days.
The Irish Redemptorists are committed to working with young people and to sharing the Gospel message with them. St Clement’s College, with a student population of boys and young men, is a ministry of the Redemptorists in Limerick.
Hospitality is a key Catholic and Redemptorist value and we make the facilities of the monastery available to community and voluntary groups. The Redemptorists in Limerick also provide a Chaplaincy Service to members of the Brazilian Community, the Ukrainian Community and the Fillipino Community who are living and working in the Munster area.
The Redemptorist Perpetual Help Fund is the social justice wing of our ministry in Mount St Alphonsus and offers support to vulnerable families and individuals on a weekly basis. It is particularly well known for the provision of thousands of food hampers, every Christmas, to those most in need. The Perpetual Help Fund also sponsors a professional counselling service for those who may not normally be able to afford such a service.
In very recent times the Redemptorists in Limerick have opened the Redemptorist Centre of Music. Located at old St. Mary’s Primary school on the Island Road in Limerick it offers musical tuition and playing opportunities to young people who might not normally be able to afford it. email for more information